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Journaling and Emotional Health
Journaling and Emotional Health Our minds like to be efficient. Often our brains have been thinking the same thoughts in the same patterns over and over. Our patterns and actions become predictable because we have repeated them over time. Many of these thought...

Do we glorify neglect?
Nursing…. the caring profession; the most trusted profession. And I love this about nursing. In fact, I love all of it. I’m so proud to be a NURSE. As nurses, we are told patients are first and everything else is second. Not only that, but our kids, spouse, friends…...

Top Tips to Succeed in Nursing School
Is Nursing School Fun?Absolutely! Are you ready to start the journey of a lifetime?So you are getting ready to start nursing school. It is important to start strong. The momentum will carry you through the first few weeks. If you want some tips on starting strong,...

Start Strong in Nursing School
Is Nursing School Hard? Great tips to start STRONG!

How Hard is Nursing School?
How are is nursing school? Without a support system, it can be tough. Plan ahead, find a study group and enjoy the journey.

Good Summer Reads Part 1
When Breath Becomes Air… Are you looking for a good summer read? I always say I “grew up” as a nurse in pediatric oncology. This was my start. I had daily exposure to the heroes and angels living among us. I was in my early 20’s. Looking back, I realize when...

The Joint Commission
“He who must not be named!” Many healthcare providers and leaders tremble in fear at the mention of The Joint Commission (TJC). For a long time, I think my facility focused more on avoiding a bad TJC survey, rather than pursuing an excellent survey. I remember...

Understanding Arterial Blood Gases
Arterial Blood Gases Introduction: Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) provide a wealth of information for the differential diagnosis of many respiratory and metabolic diseases, but how can nurses use this information as part of the physical assessment and reporting of key...

The Truth about Empathy
The Truth about Empathy "Empathy is the most powerful connecting and trust building tool we have." Brene’ Brown Empathy is not about connecting or understanding a patient’s experience. Empathy is about understanding the feelings or emotions that underpin the...

Empathy and Perspective Taking Post Conference Resource
How can we teach perspective taking to our students? Merriam Webster defines perspective as “the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed.” To put it simply perspective is “point of view.” Perspective taking, the ability to see the world as...