Start Nursing School Strong!
Our top tips to start strong!
- Learn how to introduce yourself to patients.
- Keep a calendar or an agenda.
- Eliminate time wasters!
Tip Number 1: Learn how to introduce yourself to patients!
Do you know that most students don’t know how to introduce themselves to patients? You will get nervous, you won’t know what to say and you will stumble over your words. Students don’t know what to say. Patients are vulnerable. Sometimes they are angry or sad. It can be difficult for the beginner to communicate effectively. You may not be sure what to say and you may or may not have an instructor who provides good coaching and direction. I know, it sounds silly, but I’ve found this made a big difference in the first week of the clinical experience. Most students become nervous or even afraid to meet patients for the first time.
Over time, I learned to have students practice introducing themselves. Some students told me they practiced introducing themselves in their mirror or even to their dog. It will take less than 10 minutes and you will be glad you did. It may sound silly, but I could tell the difference and so could the patients. I’ve attached some scripting for you (CLICK HERE).
At my facility we use AIDET® from the Studer Group. The information is listed below.
Tip Number Two: Keep a calendar or an agenda.
I prefer to use the old-fashioned paper calendar but there are lots of electronic calendar applications you can use. I like paper calendars because it’s easier for me to see a month at a time. Map your course a few weeks at a time. In addition to preparing for multiple classes you will also have clinical and most likely care plans (which can take hours to complete). Know when your tests are. I’ve watched students mismanage their schedule and leave zero time to prepare for an exam because they did not account for their clinical schedule.
Tip Number Three: Eliminate your time wasters!
What is your Achilles heel? Is it binge watching NETFLIX, “Game of Thrones”, checking social media, Candy Crush, 8 Ball Pool, Game Pigeon? It may be time with friends or family. It might be reducing the numbers of hours you work each week. More than likely something will have to go. When I’m working on big projects I remove apps from my phone and I set time limits on others (for me it is Facebook). I also turn off notifications. Whatever it is, remove the distractions. Get a head start. Make a plan.
Full disclosure… I have never played Candy Crush, 8 Ball Pool or Game Pigeon. I’m blessed with a couple kiddos in their 20’s. Apparently this is how they waste their time.
How hard is nursing school?
If it was easy everyone would do it. Make a plan and start STRONG! You’ve got this. At the end of this road begins the journey of a lifetime.
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AIDET® from Studer Group:

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